How Bad Weather Can Cause Damage To Your Property And Roofing

Weather is the one unpredictable force of nature, even for the weather channels. You’ll often find the conversation float more than once about the weather, but what isn’t discussed is what happens after bad weather. Damage to a home is devastating and it’s important to be prepared. SYL Roofing Supply provides tips and how to prepare for mother nature and her unpredictable behavior for Orlando.

Bad Weather Guides 

There are several types of weather changes that inflict damage to a home, and it’s best to be aware of what types.

Wind, which might be the most obvious, is a damaging weather pattern. It doesn’t even have to be a storm, but just the right kind of speed will damage the roof. Pulling singles off the tops of roofs and pulling gutters away from the roofline. Even gusts that will cause large tree limbs to fall onto homes, which causes multiple issues with roof leaks and damaged gutters.

Another issue is hail, which comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Even moderately sized hail, coupled with the force of gravity will poke holes into your shingles. Larger hailstones will dent or bend the gutters. 

Rain is typical, which does not cause structural damage, but will leak into gaps in the roof. Then it will lead to water stains in ceilings, walls, and floors. Then the mildew and mold will take refuge in your warm homes. Rainwater in short bursts can even cause the gutters to overload and fall to the ground, eventually leading into foundational issues. Though that takes much longer over time.

Colder weather, usually below 20 degrees, will affect any home with no perceptiation. This can cause pipes to freeze and if they burst, and they will flood basements and rooms downstairs. Pipes are susceptible to freeze at outdoor spigots or through uninsulated walls. 

Snow is not the culprit, but how much there is that causes issues. The weight on a roof can overwhelm the support systems which then causes buckling. It may even cause holes in the roof. Snow is also a cause of fallen branches into homes wreaking additional havoc during the cold season. 

Ice can build up and potentially form into a dam, which are then toppled by snowpacks on the roofs, which again cause buckling and issues. What’s worse is that ice will creep under the shingles, damaging the roof, and damage the attic by melting through. 

The opposite of the cold is having too much sunshine. Parts of the home may be suspicate to sun damage, like the rugs, furniture, and fading artwork.

How To Prepare?

Prepare for all weather with the best quality of shingles for your roof against all odds of mother nature. Don’t settle for second best against the simple to large storms. 

Contact Us

SYL Roofing Supply has Orlando covered for bad weather with the best shingles against mother nature. Call us today for our quality services and protection against all storms. Reach out to us today with any questions or concerns.

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Author: Rocken

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